Monday, April 25, 2011

BANANE TAIPEI (Banana Taipei)

21世紀的今天,環保概念蔚為世界潮流,反璞歸真、回歸自然的理念不斷地於各個不同領域中持續發燒;除此之外 支持本土文化亦為現今重要議題之一。 猶記台灣於經濟起飛草創時期,毫不起眼的香蕉,為當時的台灣帶來了豐厚的外匯存底;香蕉的意義並非僅有其曾為台灣帶來的經濟榮景,它也意味著豐富的台灣精神與文化底蘊。

世界的環保概念碰上台灣的香蕉精神,2010年的春天,一群熱愛本土文化的設計師團隊,背負著傳遞台灣精神的使命,設立了『嬌蕉國際有限公司』並建立了自創品牌『BANANE TAIPEI』。 嬌蕉國際有限公司本著愛地球、愛台灣的理念結合了創意、獨特且幽默的想法創造出風趣十足的『夢幻嬌蕉包』系列環保購物袋商品,其秉持著百分之百台灣製造的堅持與愛地球的決心, 將環保與時尚完美結合,並向本土傳統產業與樸實樂天的精神表達深深的敬意;尤以高貴不貴的概念,打造出『嬌而高貴、蕉而樸實』之形象以充分表達嬌蕉國際的經營理念。

對嬌蕉國際而言,其商品絕不僅止於創意的表現,而是充滿著熱愛台灣與地球的堅持及態度。我們想告訴全世界,台灣這片土地有著無限的想像力與創意,這就是屬於台灣人的精神, YES! IT IS MADE IN TAIWAN!!

尺寸:30CM X 38CM X 12CM

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Date: 30 APRIL 2011
Time: 2:00pm to 12:00am
Venue: MINES Convention Centre

The Biggest Asian Music Festival™ is Here!

7个亚洲国家, 25组顶尖巨星超强气势, 10小时震撼摇滚, 1个热爆音乐盛会.

表演嘉宾: 黄贯中, 陈冠希, SE7EN, 李灿森, 黄小琥, 王俪婷, 廿四味, 张芸京, 棒棒糖, 杜成义, 何维健, DAYDREAM, 农夫, 林隆璇, 周笔畅, 刘纾妤, 赖力豪, 黄威尔, 慢行, ROSEVELT, 李佳薇, THE BOTTOM BLUES, NAMCHA, 胡蓓蔚,朱浩仁

Featuring more than 20 artists, from seven Asian nations for 10 hours of non-stop musical experience.

Asian music fans rejoice, as Tiger Beer is proud to bring you the biggest Asian Music Festival™ to date – right here in Malaysia. Featuring non-stop electrifying performances for a jaw-dropping ten hours long of musical bliss, the Asian Music Festival™ is undeniably an event no Asian music fans can miss.

With appearance of more than 20 artistes from seven Asian nations, the festival is set to kick off at 2pm at the Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC), Sri Kembangan this April 30th 2011. There will be massive performances by artistes from both international and local music scenes belting out their best numbers; such as Se7en from Korea, Edison Chen and FAMA from Hong Kong, Taiwanese artistes Jing Chang and Tiger Huang, Bibi from China, Olivia Ong from Singapore, Namcha from Thailand and lastly, our very own Suki and dayDream from Malaysia, just to name a few.

The excitement doesn’t stop here –three emcees, Paisley Wu from Hong Kong, and Astro MY FM deejays Mei Yan and Jeff Chin – the famous duo that needs no introduction in local Chinese entertainment industry; will further amplify the atmosphere by keeping fans entertained throughout the night. The icing on the cake of the entire festival is definitely the refreshing ice-cold Tiger beers which will be served throughout the event – the beverage that always goes well with such rip-roaring music event.

“Music is a universally accepted language that brings people and nations together and Asian music in particular, is experiencing a positive growth. Tiger, an Asian brand with international acclaimed status is extremely excited to be a part of this enormous musical event – this is THE festival that Asian music fans have been anticipating for; to experience the ultimate genre defining Asian music and non-stop performances all under one roof. We want it to be a day that all Asian music lovers will never forget,” stated Sean Koh, Marketing Manager of Tiger Beer.

Tiger FC members as well as Tiger FC Credit Card and Prepaid Card holders have the privilege to enjoy an exclusive 10% discount off from the ticket price by just flashing their cards at all Galaxy ticketing counters.

The event partners include MY FM, Air Asia, Cathay Pacific, Everlast, Station One, Mint, Canon and Neway.

ps: those who interested with the festival pls reserve for urself ones,no doubt its an event with big crazy
and crowded,pls get it fast fast and fast,,,,,
i will be working there too,c u there

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sorry for nagging my blog for so long,due to step into working life tat i have not much
time to blog,however...i will try my best and blog it soon.

Recently less to party,shopping,food enjoy and etc....
even did but not take much picha oso,but i will try my best to post up more and more ya.
stay turn ~~